DAFTAR ISI 1. Upaya menurunkan angka kesakitan dan angka kematian ibu pada penderita preeklampsia dan eklampsia (R.H Roeshadi) 2. Pemeriksaan pH dan LEA vagina dengan dipstick sebagai metoda penapi...
engaging with socially acute questions: development and validation of an interactional reasoning framework: olivier morin, laurence simonneaux, and russell tytler published online 22 february 2017 i...
CONTENTS Research Articles - To customize or not to customize? Exploring science teacher customization in an online lesson portal: Joshua Littenberg-Tobias, Elham Beheshti and Carolyn Staudt Publ...
Enhancing Engagement With Faculty and Staff to Facilitate Student Success: An Evaluation of a Parent Intervention. h.239 (Denise Deutschlander). Strengthening the Research Base That Informs STEM Inst...
Buku ini berisi tentang inspirasi muslim dalam membina rumah tangga...
1. Karakteristik Indeks Ionosfer (Indeks_T) Jam-an dan Bulanan Sumedang dan Biak oleh Sri Suhartini, irvan Fajar, Slamet Syamsudin 2. Analisis Indeks Kualitas Sinyal Pada Manajemen Frekuensi Berbasis...
- Penerapan alogaritma spectral angle mapper (SAM) untuk klasifikasi lamun menggunakan citra satelit worldview-2 (nunung noer aziizah,vincentius paulus siregar, dan syamsul bahri agus) - Model pelaks...
Daftar isi 1. the gaene-generalized acceptance of evolutin evaluation: development of a new measure of evolution acceptance: Mike U. Smith, Scott W. Snyder, and Radoplh S. Devereaux published onli...
Includes index.;...
Feature Articles Understanding the promise: a typology of state and local college promise programs Laura W. Perna and Elaine W. Leigh Sexual orientation and school discipline: new evidence from a p...