Many books have been written on the principles of curriculum, its foundations, theories, designs, practices and issues. However, these curriculum foundations and theories are largely based on Western ...
Fantasy sports are a hit worldwide, and now teachers and parents can take advantage of this phenomenon to give students a reason to look forward to doing math. The games and activities in Fantasy Foot...
One of the noteworthy global achievements of the past two decades has been the remarkable increase in thenumber of children attending school and the number of children completing the primary cycle. A...
There has been much international effort to improve or transform Vocational and Technical Education (VTE). However, the outcomes often remain elusive. VTE continues to be largely shunned by society as...
Daftar isi Naskah beatwi: skriptorium dan dekorasi naskah Betawi script: scriptorium and decoratiom sript Mu'jizah Pembauran etnis cina dan kaum bumiputra di kota garut pada abad XX Ethnic as...
Special issue: strengthening the connections between classroom and large-scale assessments Making measurement important for education: the crucial role of classroom assessment Mark Wilson Using lea...
- Devolving authority : public secondary school’s perception and response to scholl-based management policy in Indonesia (Bambang Sumintono, Nora Mislan,Lokman Mohd. Tahir, and Hamdan Said - The de...
1. Evaluasi program SMP standar nasional berdasarkan standar nasional pendidikan Ida Kintamani Dewi Hermawan 2. Kajian kebijakan PMW (program mahasiswa wirausaha) Hendrarman 3. Studi satuan biay...
1. Evaluasi program SMP standar nasional berdasarkan standar nasional pendidikan Idan Kintamani Dewi Hermawan 2. Kajian kebijakan PMW (program mahasiswa wirausaha) Hendarman 3. Studi satuan biay...
1. Evaluasi program SMP standar nasional berdasarkan standar nasional pendidikan Ida Kintamani Dewi Hermawan 2. Kajian kebijakan PMW (Program Mahasiswa Wirausaha) Hendarman 3. Studi satuan biaya p...
Google SketchUp adalah program grafis yang paling tepat untuk membuat desain dalam tampilan 3 dimensi. Tampilan layar kerja yang sederhana serta perintah kerja yang tidak rumit akan sangat memudahkan ...
Microleaming in the Digital Age explores the design and implementation of bite-sized learning and training in technology enabled environments. Grounded in research-based best practices and a robust, e...
This book highlights decisions governments have to make about their public education system, the options they have before them and the consequences of their decisions. As well as covering issues such ...
The Wiley Handbook of Family School, and Community Relationships in Education brings together in one comprehensive volume a collection of writings from leading scholars on family and community engagem...
Lessons from Lockdown explores the impact of COVID-19 on our schooling systems, on the young people and families that they serve and on all who work in- and with our schools, and asks what the long-te...
`This book explores the future of doctoral research and what it means to be involved in all stages of the providing international insights into what's changing, why it's changing and how to work best ...
This book, written by three generations of rankings academics with considerable experience from three very different regions of the globe, lifts the lid on the real impact of higher education ranking ...
research, professional....
Content 1. Cracking the code : the social mobility commission and education policy discourse joseph maslen 2.Wahat role of education for youth? discourse within the european union's structured dia...
Feature Articles 493 - Socioeconomic Segregation and School Choice in American Public Schools Dave E. Marcotte and Kari Dalane 504 - The Price of Mission Complexity: A National Study of the Impac...
Contents Editorial The enduring power of transformational leadership Articles Transformational leadership in the educational system of the United Arab Emirates Tempering the normative deman...
editorial 663 articles neena mahadev economic of conversion and ontologies of religious difference: buddhism, christianity, and adversarial political perceptian in sri lanka with ca comment 6...
training teachers to ask questions 99 (Geoff Thompson) Helping teachers to cope with large classes 106 (David Hayes) Raising the pedagogic status of discourse intonation teaching 117 (Charles Clenne...
1. descriptions of spoken language for higher level learners: the example of questioning 4 2. A Concordance - and genre-informed approach to ESP essay writing 14 3. self-perception and practice in t...
CONTENTS 1. poverty alleviation through strategic public library servics in nigeria in the 21st century: a model (bappah magaji abubakar) 2. uniting the corpus of our collections through visualiza...
Editorial: 1. Professionalism and Accountability: Compatible or Incompatible? (Tony Bush) ARTICLES: 1. School Leaders Leading: Professional Responsibility Not Accountability as the Key Focus (N...
1. Spirited Leadership and the Struggle for the Soul of Headteachers: Differentiating and Balancing Nine Types of Engagment (Tim Luckcock) 2. Correlation of Managers' Value Systems and Students' Mora...