Daftar isi editorial 1. school-based teacher learning Stephanie L. Knight, Gwendolyn M. Lloyd, Fran Arbaugh, David Gamson, Scott P. McDonald, James Nolan Jr., and Anne Elrod Whitney articles ...
Performance Assessment of Teaching: Implications for Teacher Education CONTENTS Editorial - Performance Assessment of Teaching: Implications for Teacher Education Stephanie L. Knight, Gwend...
CONTENTS 1. editorial 787/from the editors'desk sherry a. southerland and john settlage published online 17 agustus 2016 2. research articles 791/why do secondary school students lose their i...
engaging with socially acute questions: development and validation of an interactional reasoning framework: olivier morin, laurence simonneaux, and russell tytler published online 22 february 2017 i...
CONTENTS Research Articles - To customize or not to customize? Exploring science teacher customization in an online lesson portal: Joshua Littenberg-Tobias, Elham Beheshti and Carolyn Staudt Publ...
Enhancing Engagement With Faculty and Staff to Facilitate Student Success: An Evaluation of a Parent Intervention. h.239 (Denise Deutschlander). Strengthening the Research Base That Informs STEM Inst...
Buku ini berisi tentang inspirasi muslim dalam membina rumah tangga...
1. Karakteristik Indeks Ionosfer (Indeks_T) Jam-an dan Bulanan Sumedang dan Biak oleh Sri Suhartini, irvan Fajar, Slamet Syamsudin 2. Analisis Indeks Kualitas Sinyal Pada Manajemen Frekuensi Berbasis...
- Penerapan alogaritma spectral angle mapper (SAM) untuk klasifikasi lamun menggunakan citra satelit worldview-2 (nunung noer aziizah,vincentius paulus siregar, dan syamsul bahri agus) - Model pelaks...
Daftar isi 1. the gaene-generalized acceptance of evolutin evaluation: development of a new measure of evolution acceptance: Mike U. Smith, Scott W. Snyder, and Radoplh S. Devereaux published onli...
JK 428.4 Num copies: 005.pi...
Includes bibliographical references and index...
Includes index.;...
Contents Articles 133 Idiom acquisition by second language learners: the influence of cross-linguistic similarity and context Ebru Turker 145 The eefect of context and word exposure frequency on...