This book first emerged from a seminar series funded by the Economic and Social Research Council, key topics in this book is: the role of learning analytics and educational data science in schools, a ...
The Wiley Handbook of Family School, and Community Relationships in Education brings together in one comprehensive volume a collection of writings from leading scholars on family and community engagem...
Buku ini adalah ringkasan lengkap yang membahas tentang Palestina, Baitul B Maqdis, dari tinjauan sejarah, agama, politik, dan keutamaan-keutamaannya. Pembahasan dalam buku ini meliputi, Informasi in...
Pandangan birokrat di Indonesia terkesan buruk. Indikator penilaian ini menyematkan bahwa birokrat tidak bekerja keras, kurang hebat dalam pendidikan, dan tidak produktif. Birokrat terjebak dalam kedi...
Sistem ekonomi dan pembangunan di Indonesia sudah lama dalam sorotan B. Habibie dan sering diucapkannya dalam berbagai kesempatan. la melontarkan kritik. Kritik' ini, sudah pula disampaikan kepada Pre...
Buku ini berisi kisah-kisah para peraih mendali emas Olimpiade, CEO terkemuka, dan ilmuan-ilmuan istimewa yang telah menggunakan sains tentang kebiasaan-kebiasaan kecil untuk tetap produktif, tetap te...
Buku ini menyajikan berbagai strategi kegiatan belajar mengajar yang bisa digunakan mulai dari sekolah dasar hingga sekolah menengah....
JKHVID781.66 Num copies: 001....
profesional development for equity: what consitutes powerful professional learning? darinda j. carter andrews and gail richmond 408 articles flipping the classrom in teacher education: implicati...
Feature Articles 493 - Socioeconomic Segregation and School Choice in American Public Schools Dave E. Marcotte and Kari Dalane 504 - The Price of Mission Complexity: A National Study of the Impac...
racial and ethnic discrimination in the labor market for child care teacher 394 worsening school segregation for latino children? 407 bruce fuller, yoonjeon kim, claudia galindo, shruti bathia, ma...
Editorial how teacher education can elevate teacher quality: evidence from research robert e. floden, gail richmond, corey drake, and emery petchauer articles predictive validity and impact ...
contents editorial changing the narrative on diversifying the teaching workforce: a look at historical and contemporary factors that inform recruitment and retention of teachers of color 6 Do...
editors' introduction 3 Joseph R. Cimpian, Julie A. Marsh, Paco Martorell, and Morgan S. Polikoff charter schools in turnaround: competing institutional logics in the tennessee achievement school...
EDITORIAL: 1. Enhancing Leadership Density through Teamwork (Tony Bush) ARTICLES: 1. Leadership and Team Dynamics in Senior Executive Leadership Teams (Kerry Barnett, John McCormick) 2. Leading ...
EDITORIAL: 1. Leadership and Research in the 21st Century (Tony Bush) ARTICLES: 1. Leadership for Researcher Development: What Research Leaders Need to Know and Understand (Linda Evan) 2. Are A...
FEATURE ARTICLES 1. When making the grade isn't enough: The gendered nature of premed science course attrition by Eben B. Witherspoon, Dan Cooley, Amanda Kvalsvig, and Sharon Goldfeld 2. Positive ...
1. Why undergraduate students schoose to use e-book. (Edward W. Walton) 2. The impact of reading for pleasure on blind and partially sighted adults and its implication for materials provision. (Rache...
contents : 1. Equality and justice in education policy by Meg Maguire 2. Mapping transgender policyscapes: a policy analysis of transgender inclusitivity in the education system in Ontario by Wayne ...
Daftar isi guest editors' corner 1. unlocking learning discovering the keys to effective assessment Tracey H. Sigler and Kenneth S. Rhee a conversation on rubrics 2. crossing the rubric-con ...