1. the effect of public library use on the social capital of rural communities. (Catherine A. Johnson and Matthew R. Griffis) 2. Improving perception of value to teahing and research staff: The next ...
1. Young people and the evaluation of information on the World Wide Web: Principles, practice and beliefs. (Alison J. Pickard, Andrew K. Shenton and Andrew Johnson) 2. I just wanted to ask: A compari...
1. Editional: Libraries and Cultural capital. (Anne Goulding) 2. A survey of young people's reading in England: Borrowing and choosing books. (Sally Maynard, Sophie Mackay and Fiona Smyth) 3. Assess...
EDITORIAL: 1. Understanding instructional leadership (Tony Bush) ARTICLES: 1. On the practice architectures of instructional leadership (Petri Salo, Jan Nylund, Else Stjernstrøm) 2. Distribut...
1. Agency and Female Teachers’ Career Decisions: A Life History Study of 40 Women (Joan Smith) 2. ‘They Didn’t Consider Me and No-one Even Took Me into Account’: Female School Principals in t...
1. Constructing a leader’s identity through a leadership development programme: An intersectional analysis (Pontso Moorosi) 2. Female principals leading at disadvantaged schools in Johannesburg, So...
1. Thirty years of information literacy (1977-2007): A termonological, conceptual and statistical analysis. (Mario Pinto, Jose Antonio Cordon and Raquel Gomez Diaz) 2. An Analysis of Knowledge manage...
1. Web 2.0 in the professional LIS literature: An Exploratory analysis (Noa Aharony) 2. An investigation into customer service policies and practices whitin the Scottish college library sector: A com...
1. Towards a reconceptualization of the 'information worlds of individuals'. (Liangzhi Yu) 2. A basic hybrid library support model to distance learnes in sudan. (Omer Hassan Abdelrahman) 3. Library ...
1. Information literacy in employability training: The experience of inverclyde Libraries (John Crawford and Christine Irving) 2. Alternative format preference among secondary school visiualy impaire...
1. Atttudes of Primary School Teachers towards Early Childhood Development in Zimbabwean Primary Schools (Taruvinga D. Mushoriva & Hannah P. Muzembe) 2. The Effect of Goal Setting and Mental Imagery ...
1. Bullying as Gendered Violence: Girls Talk of Their Classroom Experiences within a Heterogeneous Classroom (Chinedu I. O. Okeke) 2. The Involvement of Graduates Youth in Commercial Agriculture: Iss...
FEATURE ARTICLES 1. When making the grade isn't enough: The gendered nature of premed science course attrition by Eben B. Witherspoon, Dan Cooley, Amanda Kvalsvig, and Sharon Goldfeld 2. Positive ...
1. Education Dualism and Secularism: An Integrated Education Approach to the Education System in Uganda (Musa Matovu) 2. Enhancing Quality of Higher Education for Graduate Research Students Developme...
feature articles california dream: the impact of financial aid for undocumented community college students 5 Federick Ngo and Samantha Astudillo talking our way around expert caution: a rheto...
Feature Articles 1. Does STEM Stand out? Examining racial/ethnic Gaps in Persistence Across Postsecondary Fields by Catherine Riegle-Crumb, Barbara King, and Yasmiyn Irizarry 2. The BUDL Effect: Exa...
CONTENTS Articles 1. Books in their suitcases: Leisure reading in the lives of Russian-speaking immigrants in Canada (Keren Dali) 2. Selection of Digital material for preservation in Libraries (Cla...
fourteenth annual brown lecture in education research: disability identification disparities as a case in point 325 alfredo j. artiles research on the leadership of black women principals: impl...
Feature Articles 539. Is Free and Reduce-Price Lunch a Valid Measure of Educational Disadvantage ? 556. Is Teacher Sorting a Global Phenomenon ? cross-National Evidence on the Nature and Correlates ...
1. Why undergraduate students schoose to use e-book. (Edward W. Walton) 2. The impact of reading for pleasure on blind and partially sighted adults and its implication for materials provision. (Rache...
CONTENTS intelligent libraries and apomediators: distinguishing between library 3.0 and library 2.0...
127 teacher Characteristics, Student Beliefs, adn the Gender Gap in STEM Fields by Dario Sansone 145 What Is in a Definition? The How and When of Special Education Subgroup Analysis in Preschool Eva...
CONTENTS Editorial (Alvin Pang and Marie Yeo) Articles: 1. Teaching Adolescents EFL by Integrating Think-Pair-Share and Reading Strategy Instruction: A Quasi-Experimental Study (Ying-Chun Shih an...
1. Managing Method: A Critical Inquiry into Language Policy in a Tetiary Institution in the United Arab Emirates (Neil D. Hunt) 2. Learners Performing Tasks in a Japanese EFL Classroom: A Multimodal ...
CONTENTS Editorial (Marie Yeo and Alvin Pang) Articles : 1. Assessing Learning Opportunities in EFL Classroom Interaction: What Can Conversation Analysis Tell Us? ( Marco Cancino) 2. Differences ...
1. The Changing Face of Language Learning: Learning Beyond the Classroom (Jack C. Richards) 2. Can Thinking be Taught? Linking Critical Thinking and Writing in an EFL Context (Sandhya Rao Mehta and R...
CONTENTS Editorial (Alvin Pang and Marie Yeo) Articles : 1. A Reappraisal of the 4/3/2 Activity (Frank Boers) 2. Interaction and Uptake in Large Foreign Language Classrooms (Eric Enongene Ekembe...
CONTENTS Editorial (Jack C. Richards) Articles: 1. Towards a Pedagogy of Grammar Instruction (Jack C. Richards and Randi Reppen) 2. Developing an ELT Context-Specific Teacher Efficacy Instrument...
CONTENTS Editoral (Alexander Arguelles) Articles: 1. Reading Aloud Activity in L2 and Cerebral Activation (Osamu Takeuchi, Maiko Ikeda and Atsushi Mizumoto) 2. Should We Teach Semantic Prosody...
CONTENTS 1. Exploring the Development of 'Interest' in Learning English as a Foreign/Second Language (Tan Bee Tin) 2. English Language Classroom Practices: Bangladeshi Primary School Children's Perc...