Potensi pabrikasi propelan homogen di indonesia (He)ru Budi Wibowo) Pemodelan kimia komputasi (Bayu Prianto) Upaya kemandirian ammonium perkhlorat sebagai bahan aksidator propelan (Henny Setyani...
Teacher judgment accuracy regarding students' self-concepts: affected by social and dimensional comparisons? F. Helm, H. Muller-Kalthohff, R. Mukowski and J. Moller To the means and beyond: understa...
seeing what they meant: transcribing as a route to noticing 124 (Tony Lynch) Implementing ELT innovations: a needs analysis framework 133 (Alan Waters Ma. Luz C. Vilches) Developing language skills ...
editors' introduction 3 Joseph R. Cimpian, Julie A. Marsh, Paco Martorell, and Morgan S. Polikoff charter schools in turnaround: competing institutional logics in the tennessee achievement school...
contents 1. the state of e-legal deposit in france: Looking back at five years of putting new legislation into practice and envisioning the future (Peter Stirling, Gildas Illien, Pascal Sanz and sh...
1. New Model and E-Learning Trends in Teacher Education and Professional Development (Hilal Ahmad Wani) 2. Patterns of Interaction among Mono-Cultural English as Second Language Learners (Nalini Aru...
contents 1. a living, breathing revolution: how libraries can use 'living archives' to support, engage, and document social movements 2. archiving egypt's revolution: the university on the squa...
contents 1. a living, breathing revolution: how libraries can use 'living archives' to support, engage, and document social movements 2. archiving egypt's revolution: the university on the square...
1. London pride in context: Treasures and the library treasures volume in Britain today (Karen Attar) 2. How library and information science academic administrators perceive e-learning in LIS school...
Contents: Editorial Editor's Introduction (John Haman) Articels 1. This is Sparta! Mediated Mythology as Pedagogy in 300 (Adam W. Tyma) 2. Cyborg Resistance on the Digital Assembly Line: Global...
Guest editorial : 1. IFLA Journal special issue on Cultural Heritage ( Douwe Drijfthout and Tanja de Boer ) Articles : 1. Indigeous cultural heritage preservation: A review essay with ideas for the...
EDITORIAL: 1. Applying distributed leadership across contexts (Tony Bush) ARTICLES: 1. Synthesising theory and practice: Distributed leadership in higher education (Sandra Jones, Marina Harvey, G...
EDITORIAL: 1. Structural reform in England: Emerging configurations of governance and leadership in the new ‘local’ (Tim Simkins, Philip Woods) ARTICLES: 1. Understanding the local: Themes and...
1. Emotion in Leadership: Secondary School Administrators' Perception of Critical Incidents (Julie K. Yamamoto, Mary E. Gardiner and Penny L. Tenuto) 2. Role Stress Revisited: Job Structuring Anteced...
EDITORIAL: 1. Enhancing Leadership Density through Teamwork (Tony Bush) ARTICLES: 1. Leadership and Team Dynamics in Senior Executive Leadership Teams (Kerry Barnett, John McCormick) 2. Leading ...
sustaining learning for lis through use of a virtual world usability and compatibility of e-book readers in an academic environment: a collaborative study keeping the information profession up t...
1. Editional: Libraries and Cultural capital. (Anne Goulding) 2. A survey of young people's reading in England: Borrowing and choosing books. (Sally Maynard, Sophie Mackay and Fiona Smyth) 3. Assess...
EDITORIAL: 1. Understanding instructional leadership (Tony Bush) ARTICLES: 1. On the practice architectures of instructional leadership (Petri Salo, Jan Nylund, Else Stjernstrøm) 2. Distribut...
1. Web 2.0 in the professional LIS literature: An Exploratory analysis (Noa Aharony) 2. An investigation into customer service policies and practices whitin the Scottish college library sector: A com...
1. Information literacy in employability training: The experience of inverclyde Libraries (John Crawford and Christine Irving) 2. Alternative format preference among secondary school visiualy impaire...
FEATURE ARTICLES 1. When making the grade isn't enough: The gendered nature of premed science course attrition by Eben B. Witherspoon, Dan Cooley, Amanda Kvalsvig, and Sharon Goldfeld 2. Positive ...
1. Why undergraduate students schoose to use e-book. (Edward W. Walton) 2. The impact of reading for pleasure on blind and partially sighted adults and its implication for materials provision. (Rache...
contents : 1. Equality and justice in education policy by Meg Maguire 2. Mapping transgender policyscapes: a policy analysis of transgender inclusitivity in the education system in Ontario by Wayne ...
special section on "proceedings of the second international conference on neutron imaging and neutron methods in archaeology and cultural heritage (ninmach):; guest edited by Laszlo Szentmiklosi, kata...
Regular Articles Micro-RTI as novel technology for the investigation and documentation of archaeological textiles Y. Goldman, R. Linn, O. Shamir, M. Weinstein-Evron Copper metallurgy in ancient...
1. Peningkatan Prestasi Belajar dengan Computer Aided Design (CAD) sebagai Media Pembelajaran Berbasis Kasus (Floriberta Binarti, Y.P. Suhodo Tjahjono, dan Christina E. Mediastika) 2. Efektivitas Sis...
Daftar isi editorial 1. taking stock in 2015 Stephanie L. Knight, Gwendolyn M. Lloyd, Fran Arbaugh, David A. Gamson, Scott P. McDonald, James Nolan Jr., and Anne Elrod Whitney articles 2. fra...
Daftar isi editorial 1. Five-year retrospective Stephanie L. Knight, Gwendolyn M. Lloyd, Fran Arbaugh, David A. Gamson, Scott P. McDonald, James Nolan Jr., and Anne Elrod Whitney articles 2....
1. Belum ada Sekolah untuk Orangtua (Nafik Palil) 2. Menggugat Adab Ketimuran (Putut Wijayanto) 3. Wayang Kancil: budaya lokal yang mendunia (Edi Purnomo) 4. Nguri-uri Tradisi Bangsa Lewat Tembang ...
The role of NGOs as civil society control in corruption eradication on North Bengkulu regency Halilul Khairi Capturing social capital through bandung city community index arrangement and develop...