- Analisis respon medan geomagnet antara stasiun di ekuator magnet dan stasiun biak saat badai geomagnet pada meridian magnet 210o MM (anwar santoso) - Pengaru orientasi medan magnet antarplanet pa...
Willem van der Molen Orangtua Swayempraba Jawa Kuna 7.74 Manu J. Widyaseputra Mahirakaca; kaca sebagai Udyana menurut lampahan Tumurunipun Taman Maerakaca dalam tradisi Wayang Yogyakarta Ding Choo...
R. Bima Slamet Raharja Pakem grenteng: varian tradisi tulis pakem pedhalangan gaya Yogyakarta Jajang A Rohmana Asmarandana ngagurit kaburu burit: pengalaman didaktis kepesantrenan haji Hasan Mustap...
Karsono H Saputra Naskah Panji koleksi Perpustakaan Nasional Prof. Dr. M. C. Ricklefs, FAHA Babad Giyanti: sumber sejarah dan karya agung sastra Jawa Hermansyah Kesultanan Pasai pencetus aksasara...
Introudction to he special issue: desiderata for a theory of multi-source multi-modal comprehension J.G. Cromley Empirical Articles Profiling reading in print and digital mediums L.M. Sing...
Teacher judgment accuracy regarding students' self-concepts: affected by social and dimensional comparisons? F. Helm, H. Muller-Kalthohff, R. Mukowski and J. Moller To the means and beyond: understa...
training teachers to ask questions 99 (Geoff Thompson) Helping teachers to cope with large classes 106 (David Hayes) Raising the pedagogic status of discourse intonation teaching 117 (Charles Clenne...
editors' introduction 3 Joseph R. Cimpian, Julie A. Marsh, Paco Martorell, and Morgan S. Polikoff charter schools in turnaround: competing institutional logics in the tennessee achievement school...
1. Transliterasi arab-latin dalam bahasa indonesia (Dwi Atmawati) 2. Verba kontinuatif bhasa jawa : Kajian morfologis (Sunarti) 3. Penggunaan metafora sebagai kritik sosial politik dalam puisi Agus ...
contents 1. the IFLA-UNESCO partnership 1947-2012 (Peter Johan Lor) 2. information-seeking by print media journalists in rajshahi, bangladesh (Md arman hossain and Md. Shariful islam) 3. digital ...
1. London pride in context: Treasures and the library treasures volume in Britain today (Karen Attar) 2. How library and information science academic administrators perceive e-learning in LIS school...
Editorial : 1. Interconnections in economic development and the free-flow of information as drivers for libraries and the information professions ( Steve Witt ) Articles : 1. Celebrating libraries ...
Editorial : 1. The long-tail of global engagement and international librarianship ( Steven W. Witt ) Articles : 1. Internship in LIS education : An international perspective on experiental learning...
EDITORIAL: 1. Applying distributed leadership across contexts (Tony Bush) ARTICLES: 1. Synthesising theory and practice: Distributed leadership in higher education (Sandra Jones, Marina Harvey, G...
Editorial: 1. Professionalism and Accountability: Compatible or Incompatible? (Tony Bush) ARTICLES: 1. School Leaders Leading: Professional Responsibility Not Accountability as the Key Focus (N...
EDITORIAL: 1. Leadership and Research in the 21st Century (Tony Bush) ARTICLES: 1. Leadership for Researcher Development: What Research Leaders Need to Know and Understand (Linda Evan) 2. Are A...
1. the effect of public library use on the social capital of rural communities. (Catherine A. Johnson and Matthew R. Griffis) 2. Improving perception of value to teahing and research staff: The next ...
1. Young people and the evaluation of information on the World Wide Web: Principles, practice and beliefs. (Alison J. Pickard, Andrew K. Shenton and Andrew Johnson) 2. I just wanted to ask: A compari...
EDITORIAL: 1. Understanding instructional leadership (Tony Bush) ARTICLES: 1. On the practice architectures of instructional leadership (Petri Salo, Jan Nylund, Else Stjernstrøm) 2. Distribut...
feature articles california dream: the impact of financial aid for undocumented community college students 5 Federick Ngo and Samantha Astudillo talking our way around expert caution: a rheto...
fourteenth annual brown lecture in education research: disability identification disparities as a case in point 325 alfredo j. artiles research on the leadership of black women principals: impl...
127 teacher Characteristics, Student Beliefs, adn the Gender Gap in STEM Fields by Dario Sansone 145 What Is in a Definition? The How and When of Special Education Subgroup Analysis in Preschool Eva...
Articles Governing teacher learning: understanding teachers' compliance with and critique of standardization Ian Hardy Psychicall contexts of subjectivity and performative practices of remuner...
CONTENTS: Articles Whose quality? The (mis)uses of quality reform in early childhood and education policy 443 Sermons, carrots, or sticks? Explaining successful policy implementation in a lo...
Daftar isi guest editors' corner 1. unlocking learning discovering the keys to effective assessment Tracey H. Sigler and Kenneth S. Rhee a conversation on rubrics 2. crossing the rubric-con ...
special section on "proceedings of the second international conference on neutron imaging and neutron methods in archaeology and cultural heritage (ninmach):; guest edited by Laszlo Szentmiklosi, kata...
Regular Articles Micro-RTI as novel technology for the investigation and documentation of archaeological textiles Y. Goldman, R. Linn, O. Shamir, M. Weinstein-Evron Copper metallurgy in ancient...
1 editorial: the international review of the red cross: withness to the humanitarian revolution vincent bernard, editor-in-chief voices and perspectives 11 three short essays in honour of th...
Daftar isi editorial 1. taking stock in 2015 Stephanie L. Knight, Gwendolyn M. Lloyd, Fran Arbaugh, David A. Gamson, Scott P. McDonald, James Nolan Jr., and Anne Elrod Whitney articles 2. fra...
Daftar isi editorial 1. introduction of the 2014 editorial review board Stephanie L. Knight, Gwendolyn M. Lloyd, Fran Arbaugh, Scott P. McDonald, James Noalan Jr., and Anne Elrod Whitney artic...